fastfive with Rob

ri icon By Raw Ideas

5 September 2017 // FastFive

What was your first ever job?

Age 8 or 9, vacuuming 10 oversized, entirely carpeted self catering apartments with a breathtakingly underpowered vacuum (in my parents guest-house).


What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Don't read tabloids, do learn a second language, and buy apple shares, the tech company not the fruit.


Who is your favourite person/brand to follow on social media and why?

Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Google & NASA


What’s your favourite app or game and why?

Strava, I've used other running apps but Strava has by far the best functionality, features and if you pay a little for the pro version, you get extra insightful information and training tools. At risk of being boring the CommBank app is a very good banking app, it's constantly updating and improving functionality as any app should, I can compete almost all my banking processes using it.


What do you love most about your job?

There are lots of things I love about my job (besides the coffee & scotch club). Being involved in interesting and challenging projects, being able to up-skill and train at work and working in a cool central Sydney location, but the thing I love most is working with talented, creative and enthusiastic people every day.

ri icon By Raw Ideas

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